Let Your Freedom Ring!

As we celebrate Independence Day, I think of today as a day to celebrate the many freedoms we have. Freedom, for me, is the process of moving beyond limitations and restrictions.
I see this in my work as a consultant and coach. What I have learned from my clients, and my own experiences, is that we all seek some form of freedom in our lives. In particular, we strive to create lives in which we have either more time or money (or for some of us, both).
Recently, when I asked a client about “the burning why” she wanted to create more wealth in her life, when she drilled down, she realized she wanted the freedom to be able to do what she wanted with her time (she is one of those people who wants both more time and money).
A lot of us, when we think about the things in life we’d like to be free from, we tend to look outside of ourselves, at our external circumstances. We’ll look at our relationships, our jobs, our financial pictures, our environments. While limitations and restrictions can be imposed on us externally, we can also impose limitations and restrictions on ourselves.
Driving Led To Freedom

I did this in my life when I was in my late teens to my mid-twenties.
I did not want to learn how to drive. I convinced myself that I was going to either harm myself or others if I spent any time behind the wheel of a car. I was able to live like this for a number of years, as I was supported by my environment: I was able to walk to work (a ten-minute commute by foot) and I had access to many types of mass transit and transportation. Even friends and acquaintances would consistently offer to give me a ride (even when I wanted to walk!).
Well, I moved to another state and had to learn to drive in order to get around (mass transit is limited and walking anywhere would take a great deal of time). Within six months, I had my license and was driving! And here’s what I learned from that: First, it got me to really feel my fear and do it anyway; second (and more importantly), I gained a sense of independence, of freedom. I didn’t have to rely on anyone, and I could go where I wanted when I wanted. I would think, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” And there are moments when I am behind the wheel, and I will smile and think, “I’m driving!”
Working Toward Freedom

A lot of my clients seek some career direction, whether it be working within an existing company or corporation, or starting their own businesses.
Howard was one such client. He worked in corporate America, and grew tired of the long hours daily and weekly he was giving to the company he worked for. He had started an information marketing company, and wanted to see that grow. So, he decided to walk away from that job and devote more time to his business. He reasoned that he couldn’t see his own business grow if he was spending so much of his time growing someone else’s business. It was his way to become free (independent).
There is a wonderful statement made by Robert Kiyosaki, in his book, Before You Quit Your Job, that echoes Howard’s situation: “Employees desire security and entrepreneurs seek freedom.” Howard had the security, but realized he wanted freedom more.
With some coaching, we were able to get Howard to create a plan (he called it his “exit strategy”), and then work his plan. At this time, he is enjoying his new-found freedom and his business is steadily thriving.
What It Takes to Become Free

As you celebrate this Independence Day, consider what areas of your life you’d like to experience a greater sense of freedom (independence).
- What are the things that are holding you back, that are keeping you from having this sense of freedom?
- Is there a thought or belief (either from another person or yourself) that you have chosen to believe is the truth of your life situation?
As with all things, remember that freedom is a choice.
I close with this verse from a hymn I learned at my local Unity church. Let it be an affirmation of your new-thought independence: I am free, I am unlimited/There are no chains that bind me/ I am free, I am unlimited/ Right now!
Your freedom ringer,
July 7, 2012 at 1:44 pmLet freedom ring! I feel the sense of freedom and independence that you are talking about. I am encouraged by your words and stories and clearly see unlimited opportunities to do what I want, when I like, with the resources to support my desires. And it sounds like I could use a life coach! Thank you.
July 11, 2012 at 10:51 pmAlexandria,
Freedom in life can come about in so many different ways, and I am glad to hear that you are getting to have that experience in yours. You have encouraged me with the words you have used in your comment. That is why I do what I do: to encourage others to see that life has unlimited opportunities for us–but only when we can see it that way.
And, if you feel that you would benefit from coaching, please contact me so we can partner up, and help you to achieve some of those things you want in life!
Your encourager,