An Attitude of Gratitude

The holidays are a wonderful time for us to explore and acknowledge the many things in our lives to express a sense of gratitude.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; it is the readiness to show appreciation for and to return a kindness. It is important to note that gratitude is a quality, a state of being. A state of being can then produce its complementary actions.
When we are being grateful, we then act in gratitude.
So, how can you express gratitude in every day living?
3 Tips to Create an Attitude of Gratitude
Some ways to practice an “attitude of gratitude” could include:
- Expressing gratitude for where you are in the present moment of your life. There is a belief that when you are grateful for where you are in life at the present moment, you set the stage for more to be grateful for. When you are grateful for what you have in your life at the present moment, you create opportunities to receive more.
A gratitude journal is a daily practice to list some of the things you are appreciative for. - You can recount, at the end of your day, all the things you were grateful for that day. It may be people, things, circumstances, or a combination of things. You can find a way to ritualize this sense of gratitude. For example, you may want to keep a journal, and write down what you were grateful for that day. You may even want to start your day with a sense of gratitude. Start your day expressing gratitude for the night’s sleep you got. When you start the day in gratitude, you set the intention for great things to happen!
- Another thing you can express gratitude is for the goods and services you receive from others. If it is a product, you can express gratitude for the product itself; going deeper, you can then be grateful to the people who assembled and packaged the product; those that distributed it; those that displayed it in the store for purchase; those that were in positions of service to sell it to you; and most importantly, to the people who had the idea for the product. If it is a service, you can express gratitude for the service providers, as well as those people who helped educate, train, and certify those individuals. When you bless things, like saying grace before eating, you can express gratitude for every part of the process that brought the food to your plate. Now that’s a lot to be grateful for!
Gratitude Can Be for the Little Things and the Big Things

Gratitude means counting your blessings, noticing life’s simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive.
The state of being grateful shifts your focus from a perception of lack to the abundance that is already present. Gratitude should not be just a reaction to getting what you want, but a constant state of being, the kind where you notice the little things and where you constantly look for, and see, the good in all things (especially during life’s unpleasant circumstances).
So, starting today, bring gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in which to feel grateful; in this way, you’ll be on your way toward mastering your “attitude of gratitude.”
It could become your most important virtue.
Your partner in gratitude,
(This article first appeared in the publication Axis Mundi. For more information about Axis Mundi,check out the Axis Mundi site at