Are You Ready to Put Your Accountability on the Table?
Welcome to Week 4 of Month 3 of our “Success in 12 Months” series! If you’ve been following along, and doing the work, you know where we are. If you’re just getting on board, we’ve been focusing this month on accountability, and how that plays a big part in being successful and achieving your goals.
All the previous exercises this month have focused on creating a list of accountability partners, narrowing down that list, and creating an Accountability Partner Agreement.
Your Action Step: Meeting with Your Accountability Partner

Now it’s time to get uncomfortable! Actually, that is probably an exaggeration. This week’s action step is to discuss your success blueprint (from Month 1) with your accountability partner. This way you will now be accountable to someone else for your most important goals! Some people don’t feel comfortable putting their goals out there – but getting out of your comfort zone almost always means you are doing something right.
You really want to open up all of your goals. Open up all of your visions and really share freely with your accountability partner everything that you’re trying to do.
There’s no room for holding back here. This is somebody you trust, and they’re going to have to trust you.
But you want to discuss all of your goals, and they’ll often see holes in your strategy or they might see opportunities that you missed and vice versa.
So when you have these open discussions then you can start agreeing on deadlines, and like I said in the previous step, agreeing on consequences if those deadlines aren’t met.
Make sure you discuss your goals on an ongoing basis. This entire accountability step can ultimately change your life, because now somebody else is looking out for your well-being and you’re looking out for theirs and it creates an amazing dynamic and amazing relationship and ultimately gets you where you want to go.
And that wraps up this month of accountability. The next post in this series begins a new month, which also means a new focal topic and its weekly corresponding exercises.
I’d love to hear how you are progressing, and how I might be able to support you. You can share with me by posting a comment below, or shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you!
Your partner in your success,