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Coaching by the Cards: Becoming a Reiki Teacher

Welcome to the latest entry of my Tarot column, Coaching by the Cards! In this column, I address questions and situations presented to me, using the Tarot. The column is in a “Dear Abby” format.

With that said, let’s look at this reader’s situation:

reiki watersDear James,
This is my situation:
Like you, I am a Reiki practitioner. Recently, my Reiki Teacher suggested that I consider becoming a Reiki Teacher myself. I wasn’t sure at first, because I have accelerated pretty quickly between the levels of Reiki. After giving this much thought and consideration, I decided to go ahead and become certified as a Teacher. The process is a series of classes over a few months’ time.
What I’d like to know is, overall, how will I fare throughout the training process?
Like the reader you featured in  your previous post, I am also a Pisces, if you need to know that.
Yours truly,
Becoming a Reiki Teacher

Dear Becoming,
I applaud you for both being a practitioner of Reiki, as well as deciding to advance your practice to that of being a Teacher.

(For those readers who might not know anything about Reiki, it is a Japanese system of guided energy healing, that is applied using hands-on techniques. The main benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment are gaining a deeper sense of relaxation, reduction from stress, and, in some cases, relief from some physical discomfort. Reiki is a wonderful complementary therapy for all medical practices. Reiki, also, can become a way of life for the practitioners as they strive to model the principles of Reiki in their everyday ways of living and being.)

When I conduct readings for the column, I like to use three cards. In your case, I am asking the Tarot, with the intention of being advised how your classes and training might go. To honor Reiki, the reading was performed using The White Light Tarot, which combines Reiki with the Tarot.

These are the cards I drew for you, Becoming:

Reiki Teacher Reading-WLT

Card One: 7 of Wands

When I conduct a three card reading, this position can mean something about the situation as it is presently. Basically, I am asking, “What do I need to know about this presently?”

I found it interesting this card was in the reading. An aspect of this card is being a student and teacher; right now, you are a student in the process of becoming a teacher. The number seven comes into play here, as it is a number associated with spirituality and self-awareness. Part of the work (Wands) of these classes is to learn more about ourselves as we embark on becoming teachers.

This card can also suggest that the classes will challenge you, but that you are up to the challenge.

Card Two: Knight of Cups

In a three card spread, this position can indicate something about the situation you might need to consider, or an action step you can take. It can be a form of guidance or advice.

This card is what is known as a Court Card. It can represent an aspect of the person having the reading done. It can indicate how the person is approaching (Knights especially, as they are on horses, which can imply movement, either literal or figurative) the situation. Court Cards are also assigned signs of the Zodiac, which can also be reflective of the Querent (the person asking the question).

It is this last aspect I will touch on. This card is Pisces, which is your birth sign. This card, showing up in the spread, specifically puts you in the situation. You are where you are supposed to be in terms of becoming a Teacher of Reiki. Since Knights imply movement, this card also indicates the advancement, or moving forward, in this area. Knights are also about service; ask yourself how you intend to serve the world by being a Teacher.

Do you have your own practice, as a form of livelihood? You might want to consider that as a viable option, if you do not. The 7 of Wands is a card of self-employment. Would you be becoming a Teacher of Reiki so you can offer classes and training to your own students?

Card Three: the Universe (21)

A card in this position will give me some insight as to the potential outcome of the situation.

The Universe is a Major Arcana card, and as such, carries more weight in a reading. Major Arcana cards point to the spiritual lessons and psychological influences of the situation.

Being the last card of the Major Arcana, this card is about the successful completion of a chapter or phase in life. It can mean the end of one journey, which sets the stage for the next one. It can be about things coming full circle. In terms of education, this card means a graduation, a moving from one level to the next. In terms of career, it can mean being on one’s career path (the 21 of the card reduces to 3, which is a number that can mean career).

Since a card that directly represented you appeared in the spread, I wanted further clarification on your role in this endeavor. Since this position in the spread, as I indicated earlier, can suggest a possible action step, or specific guidance or advice you should consider, I thought it best to draw another card, placing it directly above the Knight of Cups.

the Question: What more do you need to know about your part/role in this situation?

wlt-4-swordsthe Card Drawn: 4 of Swords

An aspect of this card is healing, so this fits in perfectly with the situation, since Reiki is a healing modality. In terms of guidance and advice, this card is about taking time out for something. This could mean that you might need to take time out of a busy routine to get the homework you will be assigned completed. If busy-ness is the case, some of the other projects you have going may need to be put on hold temporarily to make this happen. Also, this card is about the need for rest and recharging one’s batteries.

This reminds me that in order to be of any benefit to others, you need to first take care of yourself.

Lastly, making sure that you meditate on the things being taught is also very important.

I gazed at the picture on the card. A man sits listening to music with a pair of headphones on. In the background, you can see the vibrations, the frequency of the music he is listening to. For me, this represents the ability to vibrate at a higher frequency when doing this work. This can mean that Reiki is, on a higher level, “striking a chord” in you.

In closing, this reading shows that this class is part of the work you are here to do, and it is to be incorporated into what you already have established (indicated by the number 4 on the 4 of Swords; this number is about structure, and the foundation already being set).

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to read the Tarot for you about this matter. I hope it has proven to be useful to you.

And there you have it. You have just seen how I read the Tarot in context to a question or situation, using a short three-card spread. And, just as I hope it has been helpful to Becoming, I hope you found it informative as well. I would love to hear what you think. You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.

If you have a question or concern that you would like to gain some insight using the Tarot, and think “Coaching by the Cards” would be a great forum for it, send me your submission, via e-mail, to, with Coaching by the Cards in the subject line.

If you’re interested in a private consultation with me, check out the information on my Tarot Consultations page and the Tarot Consultation Code of Ethics on my Ethics, Policies, and Procedures page.

Your Card-carrying Coach,


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