Success in 12 Months: What Are Your Top 10 Fears?
Welcome back to your “Success in 12 Months” blog series! We’re moving forward together into this second week of Month 5, and I’m discussing everybody’s favorite topic, the topic of fear–more importantly, facing fear.
So how was the fear exercise from last week? Did you have any difficulty finding 10 things you fear?
Did you list the fear of speaking in public? If you did, well, you aren’t alone. Fear of speaking is usually listed as #1.
The Book of Lists reports the Top Ten Human Fears as:
1. Speaking before a Group
2. Heights
3. Insects and bugs
4. Financial problems
5. Deep water
6. Sickness
7. Death
8. Flying
9. Loneliness
10. Dogs
What Fears Are Holding You Back?
Your exercise this week is to review your fears and evaluate how these will stop you from succeeding with your goals. Which of those fears (if any) are potentially holding you back from your goals? List any of the fears you mentioned above that could hold you back and state specifically how they could impact your goals. Aim for at least 3.
Jot down your thoughts in your journal:
My Fear:
How It Can Impact My Goals:
My Fear:
How It Can Impact My Goals:
My Fear:
How It Can Impact My Goals:
Next week we’ll look at how to deal with this threat. In the meantime, I invite you to share with me your progress throughout your program. Share your thoughts, insights, inspirations and results with me in the comments section below, or send me an e-mail and let me know what’s going on.
Your partner in facing fear,