What Are Your Hopes, Wishes, and Inspirations?

When our Tarot card for today, the Star, twinkles your way, its message is that this is the day to count your lucky stars!
Hope is being restored. Wishes are being fulfilled. Things are changing for the better. Trust in yourself and the Universe now–and in the future.
For metaphysical practitioners (this card can suggest astrology, numerology, Tarot, and Reiki), the Star encourages visibility and exposure–find ways to get yourself out there more! This is a media card, and can suggest a “celebrity” like status. In order to create the buzz you want in your biz, people need to be able to find you!
For those not seeking to become the next media sensation, the Star can suggest you will either be giving or receiving recognition for an achievement. If you are the receiver, stand in the spotlight–this is your moment!
In my work as a coach and strategist, the Star is a card of ideals and goals. What do you want in your life now–and in the future? Being a card about inspiration, this card is asking you to think about the things that inspire you. And who inspires you. Who do you look up to? Who has achieved the success you are striving for? Our Egyptian constellation looks behind him, with his star shining brightly, and points ahead, as if to say, “If you want to be where I’m at–and where I’m going–follow my lead.” Let the journey inspire you as you travel to your destination.
You can do it–just reach for the stars!
Supporting your ideals, goals, and achievements,