What Are You Putting Feeling Into?
When the 5 of Pentacles shoots its way into your life, you are being asked to examine your beliefs (all 5 cards in Tarot are about our beliefs) and to consider making a shift in those beliefs.
The heart on the card is our feeling center, our emotional center. We attach feelings to our beliefs and thoughts, and that plays a role in the experiences that come to us, as they match the vibrational frequency of those feelings.
The heart beneath the first can suggest that the feelings we attach to our beliefs may be the result of learned behavior, as we model what we have learned from others that we have formed relationships with.
Whose beliefs are you living out–are they your own or those of someone else?
Consider the people you consider role models: Are they living the life you wish to experience?
If not, you may need to consider seeking out (attracting) the people who truly emulate the life experience you wish to have.
The cupid and the arrow to the heart represent allowing Divine ideas to enter into our “heart space” and create a new experience. This card is asking you to go beyond your limiting beliefs, to make the shift from lack and limitation to more abundant thinking and feeling.
Consider reading, studying, and attending courses that will allow you to make the Internal Shift that will create the External Change you deserve to experience.
If you’d like to read more about my work with Tarot, please click here. If you’d like to learn more about my Tarot Consultation services, please click here.