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What I Learned from My Favorite Martian

An exercise at a recent live event got me to see my favorite Martian--the Martian Manhunter--in a new light.
An exercise at a recent live event got me to see my favorite Martian–the Martian Manhunter–in a new light. (Artwork by Alex Ross.)

This past weekend, I attended a two-day live event hosted by healer and author Jennifer McLean.

During the event, there was a presentation by business coach Mary Kay Durant. During her presentation, she asked us to think about our favorite superhero or pioneer, and to use two adjectives to describe him or her.

There were some interesting responses: Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Laura Ingalls, Superman, Mighty Mouse, Pippi Longstocking, Oprah, Wayne Dyer, Jesus, Lewis & Clark, Alice (of “Alice in Wonderland”), Mother Teresa, Frodo Baggins, Rogue, and Wonder Woman.

The question got me thinking about my own love for superheroes, being a person who has read–and still reads–comic books, as well as having been an underground comic book creator in the past (which was, come to think of it, my first biz as an entrepreneur!).

While most people into comics would pick the “big guns,” (Superman, Batman, and Wolverine, to name a few) the hero that does it for me is the Martian Manhunter.

I share a superpower with J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter (which is precognition). But I also share elements of his story.
I share a superpower with J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter (which is precognition). But I also share elements of his story. (Artwork by Alex Ross.)

The Manhunter, also known as J’onn J’onnz, is a Martian who is a precognitive (hmm…imagine that—a precognitive admiring a precognitive) and telepath, who can fly, possesses super-strength, can shape-shift (assume another form), and can turn intangible, phasing through solid objects.

And, while I first thought about J’onn in terms of his superpowers, I began to think of him in terms of his story.

J’onn, being from Mars, is an alien on Earth. Basically, a stranger in a strange land (or world). He takes on the human form and identity of a man he names John Jones, in order to blend in with the people in this new world. His occupation? A detective—a fitting way to learn about the world at large, wouldn’t you say?

As I reflected on this aspect of my favorite Martian, I realized that he is me. His story mirrors my own, in some ways.

The “stranger in a strange land” is the part of me that grew up with the idea of being different (alien). My precognitive ability, as a child, would reveal itself in many spontaneous moments of “déjà vu.”

That set me apart. And was one of the reasons I was very introverted and shy. As a way of coping, I had the tendency to “blend into the background,” much like J’onn’s ability to turn intangible (invisible). I would habitually seek ways to hide, so I wouldn’t have to be seen—and therefore noticed. It was just way too painful because I would be teased and laughed at.

To “combat” this (much like the superhero combating evil in the world), I adopted J’onn’s ability to be a chameleon: When I was around people, I “became the person” he or she wanted—or needed—me to be. I “masked” who I really was, much like J’onn did when he assumed another identity, because of the fear of being misunderstood (the alien). Looking back, with the awareness I have now that I didn’t then, I realize that I did those people—but more importantly, myself—a huge disservice.

They were having a relationship with an imposter—and I was having an identity crisis.

In a bold move (which I was not known for doing, making, or taking back then), I left the “world” I had become accustomed to, and relocated to another state. I did so with the intention of answering this Big Question: “Who Am I?” I was on a search—to find me.

Be mindful about the intentions you set—because the Universe is always listening. (As Oprah would say, “That’s a tweet tweet, people!”)

In order to step into serving the world with the Justice League, J'onn J'onnz had to reveal himself as the Martian Manhunter. (Artwork by Alex Ross.)
In order to step into serving the world with the Justice League, J’onn J’onnz had to reveal himself as the Martian Manhunter.
(Artwork by Alex Ross.)

And, as J’onn would have to eventually reveal himself to the world so he could serve as the Martian Manhunter in the Justice League (along with the “big guns” Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman), I had to do the same.

I was ready to accept my intuitive abilities (my superpower). I was ready to hone them, to perfect them, so I could serve my world in a big way (being in alignment with my purpose—another facet of my search for me).

And that can still be a challenge, especially being in business. Looking back on when I started my business as a life coach, I can now see moments when I tried to “blend in” and market myself as just another life coach. Trying to create distance between me and the intuitive me. Didn’t work. Know why? Because people, instead of being interested in and signing up for coaching, would often ask, “Are you still doing readings?” (I had been well-known for my work with Tarot by this point). So, I got the message the Universe was sending and integrated Tarot consultations into the business.

And now, everyday I get to use my “superpower” and serve my world in a bigger way.

And I became aware of all of this from a person asking me who’s one of my heroes.

And by choosing my favorite Martian.

So, now, I want to hear from you:

  • Who’s your favorite superhero or pioneer?
  • Why? (What two words would you use to describe him or her?)
  • And more importantly—how does his or her story reveal your own?

Share your thoughts with me in the comments section below–or connect with me by e-mail.

Supporting your superpower through your story,

(P.S.: Consider the two words you used to describe your hero or pioneer. Mary Kay proposed an idea—and I am in total agreement: Those attributes you see in your hero or pioneer—are in you, too. Those are your superpowers.)

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