Are You Ready to Put the Past Behind You?
When the “Moving On” card washes up on the shore of your life, it is an indication of a departure, a journey, and can suggest actual travel. It can mean going it alone. You may be searching for the meaning of (your) life. You are walking the road less traveled.
When this card appears, you are being encouraged to put the past behind you. You have done all you can do, and it’s time to move on. This card warns of toxic relationships, and leaving toxic people, places, and situations behind. You know that these people, places, circumstances, and conditions are no longer serving and supporting you–in fact, those very things are now draining you.
Tradition says this card indicates a full lunar cycle, which is a month in time. With that, it can mean that getting things in order so you can move on won’t get done overnight. You will know when the time is right for you.
What will you need to have in place–in order–so you can move on? Start there.
I know this card as the “Amethyst Rose” card, and, as such, can indicate a time of spiritual purification. In this vein, “Moving On” can suggest going on a spiritual quest (symbolized by the beach leading to the ocean; the ocean represents our spirituality, and the beach represents our approach to it), and most often, spiritual quests require us to go within. You may be moving into unfamiliar emotional territory, into spaces and places you have never gone before.
If you are the stone and gem lover, this card is asking you to wear or carry amethyst to aid you in this spiritual purification process. This is a time of release that will help to improve your overall well-being.
This is your time. Give yourself the space–and the permission–to decide what you need and want, and if it can be found where you are at in life right now. If not, this may be your time to make some important, much-needed changes. And some of those changes may require you to move on.
Are you ready?
Your partner in moving on,
To learn more about how the Tarot can help guide you on your own search for meaning, please visit my Tarot Consultations page.