Are You Practicing Good Self-Care?

When our card for today, Self-Care, drifts into your life, the message is to take time out to nurture and care for yourself and your needs. This is important, especially if you spend so much time and energy caring for and meeting the needs of others.
As I gaze at the image, our Angel takes water from where he is and brings it to his face with cupped hands.
Is he washing his face? Drinking the water? It doesn’t matter–either act is a sign of taking time out for rejuvenation.
Since water is such a spiritual, life-giving element, perhaps you need to consider cleansing yourself of some residual energy that no longer serves or supports you?
Or perhaps, just drinking water and remaining hydrated today would help.
Today, you decide what you need for your own self-care and make it a point to do it–just for you. Also, consider the act of self-care a spiritual practice (angel immersed in water).
I recall the times I’ve traveled by plane. The flight attendants always instruct that, in case of an emergency, people traveling with children are to place the oxygen masks on themselves first, and then the children. Why? By taking care of themselves first, they are better equipped to care for the children.
The ripple effect in the water says the same thing. When you take care of your needs, you create a ripple effect that allows you to reach out and care for others more effectively. You also demonstrate, as coach Cheryl Richardson coins it, “the art of extreme self-care,” which encourages those around you to do the same.
How will you care for yourself today?
Your partner in self-care,
Interested in creating a Personal Wellness Plan (PWP) as part of your self-care practice? If you said, “yes,” please visit my Thirty-Three Six Wellness page to learn more information about my Wholistic Wellness Consulting service.