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Are You Taking on Too Much?

The 10 of Wands, from the Lo Scarabeo Tarot.
The 10 of Wands, from the Lo Scarabeo Tarot.

When our Tarot card for today, the 10 of Wands, appears on your “to-do” list, it warns you of having too many responsibilities. But do all those responsibilities belong to you? If not, this card is asking you to consider allowing other people to be responsible for themselves. You are not to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders!

You may be thinking you’re being helpful, but are you really? This card warns that you may be enabling other people not to take care of their own situations in life—especially when they are able and capable. If that is true for you, why is that? (One of my mentors, Iyanla Vanzant, would say, “That’s about you, boo!”)

In working environments (Wands being the suit of work and business), the 10 of Wands can suggest having new job duties and responsibilities. It can suggest you are in a position where a lot of work is put upon you.

People around you may be calling you a workaholic (which actually happened to me when I was out in the working world—and I was in denial about it). You may also believe you have to do it all yourself (yep—me again). If this is true for you, the 10 of Wands is cautioning you: If you are not careful, you will experience exhaustion and fatigue, and put yourself on the road to burnout (which wound up happening to me).

It’s not too late to learn the art of delegation—which is really learning to let go. Not everything has to get done by you—whether you believe it or not. It’s a matter of acknowledging that things may not get done the way you would do it—and that’s because not everyone works the same way you do, or has the same motivations about the work as you (Wands being about motivation).

Sometimes we think holding on to everything gives us control. But does it? It may very well be that those things we are holding on to are really controlling us.

Your partner in lightening the load,


To learn more about my work with Tarot–and how it might help you lighten your load–please visit my Tarot Consultations page.

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  • Steven Bright

    Ah, that made me really think about a few things there, James. Thank you.

    It’s funny how we dish the tarot meanings out to others but don’t always see them as highlighting our own situations. Those last few sentences really gave me something to think about 🙂

    • James

      Hi, Steven,
      Glad you found the post thought-provoking.

      I know what you mean…I’ve often found, when I look back on the information in a reading, how it was also applicable to me. I’ve found that even moreso now that I videotape a weekly Tarot reading! 🙂

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