Are You Being Present?

When our card for today, Ghostlands, materializes into your life, its message is a gentle reminder that all you ever really have is this present moment–the here and the now.
You may be setting your sights at some point in the future, which is great, in the respect that you must have a vision for what you want to create in your life. The future is not tangible, though–it has no substance–because it is the realm of inspired thought. You can take the necessary action steps to move you closer toward those goals and dreams and make them reality, though!
The same holds true for the past. Sometimes, we get nostalgic and want to take strolls down “Memory Lane.” We may long for the “good old days.” Ghostlands lets us know that “Memory Lane” is a road in our heads, that we can’t physically walk that street. When we stay in longing for “the good old days,” we may be (consciously or unconsciously) saying that we do not appreciate what we have in the present.
Ghostlands says “now” is where you need to focus your attention. The ever-present now moment is the place where you have the most power–you can’t change the past, and you can’t control the future–but you have the power to choose what you think, say, and do right now.
Your partner in the present moment,