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Dream Decoding Q & A: The Meaning of Teeth in Dreams

Welcome to another Dream Decoding installment! Today, I want to do a little dream decoding Q & A.

A viewer and subscriber to my YouTube channel sent me a personal message, asking me if I would make a video where I explain the meaning of teeth in dreams.

In her request, she explained to me that she has recurring dreams about her teeth. In some of her dreams, her teeth are falling out; in some, her teeth are crumbling; and in some, she is pulling them out herself.

What did I tell her about these dreams? Check out my video A to her dream Q below:

As I stated in the video, dreams about teeth falling out are actually quite common. These dreams are part of a group of common dream themes:

  • Falling dreams
  • Flying dreams
  • Being naked in public
  • Having to go to the bathroom in public
  • Taking a test and either blanking out or not being prepared

Most of these dreams are considered anxiety dreams. We are usually experiencing these dreams when we are in a transitional phase in life and these dreams help us process our waking-life anxieties about those situations.

Possible Meanings of Teeth in Dreams

When teeth are the focal point of the dream, the message can be one of four things:

In my work and experience as a Dream Decoder, teeth in dreams can mean one of four things.
In my work and experience as a Dream Decoder, teeth in dreams can mean one of four things.

1. There is a communication issue that needs to be addressed.
Teeth are part of the mouth, and the mouth, most commonly, represents communication.

Consider what it is you might need to be saying to others in waking life—that you haven’t said yet. Something may need to be expressed, something you need to voice.

2. There’s a need to be more—or less–aggressive and/or assertive.
Consider where in waking life you might not be standing up for yourself. It might be a situation in which you fear some form of retaliation if you speak up and say what’s on your mind.

Also, being assertive and aggressive is not the same as being mean, cruel and hurtful with your words. It is about coming from an empowered place, and saying what you need to say that allows you to be heard.

3. The ability to have and/or raise children.
Before you think this is a stretch, consider that we are all part of the animal kingdom. In this kingdom, animals carry their young around with their teeth.

Dreams of losing teeth, in this regard, can suggest the dreamer is at a stage in life where there is concern about losing the ability to bear or raise children.

This is most common when the dreamer is approaching the onset of menopause, or that the dreamer’s children are now adults and living their own lives.

4. An inability to cope
I didn’t mention this one in the video clip, but another possibility of a “losing teeth dream” is that the dreamer is losing his or her grip on a situation, or on life in general. It can suggest the dreamer feels helpless about the situation and can’t do anything to get out of it.

Another Point to Sink Your Teeth Into

When we “extract” symbols like I’ve done here (and much like the dreamer when she dreams of pulling her own teeth out), it’s important to plug the meaning of the symbol back into the dream. The symbol is only a part of the larger picture of the dream. Everything in the dream plays a part, or role, in its overall meaning.

I say this because the dreamer didn’t give me any additional details about her dreams, so I would encourage her to work this newfound information back into the dream—as only part of the dream’s big picture.

And that’s my A to this dreamer’s Q. I hope both you—and the dreamer—found this helpful.

If you want to know what a symbol means from your own dreams—one that you just quite haven’t figured out—and you’d like my take on it—send me an e-mail and tell me all about it.

Who knows? You could be the one who gets my next Video A to your Dream Q!

Until next time…sweet dreams!

Your Dream Decoder,


If you’d like to know more about my work with dreams, please visit my Dream Decoder Coaching page.

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