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Life’s “Buried” Treasures

The 10 of Deduction, from the Sherlock Holmes Tarot.
The 10 of Deduction, from the Sherlock Holmes Tarot.

When our Tarot card for today, the 10 of Deduction (also known as the 10 of Pentacles), brightens its way into your day, its message is to look for the treasures in your life.

In the image of this card, from the Sherlock Holmes Tarot, Holmes and Watson are looking for the buried treasure of a family that has hired them. Holmes is using a string to measure the distance from the tree where Watson stands to the point where Holmes believes “X marks the spot.”

Holmes is demonstrating “work” we can all do. Life has many treasures that we can’t readily see, that lie beneath the surface of many of the experiences we have. We can get so wrapped up in the surface appearance of things (how things look/appear), when really, the true value (Pentacles, as a suit, represents the things we value) is hidden within the experience. We may have to do some digging to find it, though.

The tree is a symbol that can suggest the “family tree” (another nod to the case, since Holmes and Watson were hired by a family).

While a family tree can suggest genealogy, I’m going out on a “limb” (Did I really just go there?) and say these days we’re “branching out” on the idea of family, and choosing the people we consider to be like family to us.

Like the branches in the family tree, the string Holmes uses is symbolic of connection; we determine the value of the connections we make with others—family and otherwise (the 10 in this card can suggest community).

So, for today, consider the value of the people you’re connected to.

  • Are you closely connected or are you distant (the length of the string Holmes is using)?
  • What connects you, binds you, ties you together—and why?
  • What’s the “buried treasure” of having those connections?

Also consider the value of the life experiences you’ve had and are having now. The grounds you’re walking on may very well hold the treasures you’re seeking.

Your fellow treasure hunter,


If you’d like to know more about my work with Tarot, please visit my Tarot Consultations page.

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