The Home You’re Living In
When the Home card greets you, it’s an invitation to feel comfortable in your own skin.
What would you need to do for yourself in order to have that experience?
For those of us who think of ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, consider this: The skin you’re in is actually your first home. How does being in “the home you’re living in” make you feel?
This card also asks us to consider how we feel being in our home environments. Many of us would most likely want to have peace, safety, and security when we’re home. It’s the one place we want to live comfortably, no matter what’s happening in the world around us.
For me, home has always been a place of refuge, sanctuary, and haven. In my current home, I walk around in various rooms and frequently tell my home, “I love you.”
What thoughts do you hold in your mind and what words do you speak about your own home? That’s the energy you’re creating–and living–with.
So, for today, whether it’s the skin you’re in, or the physical space you call home, bless it with love.
After all–home is where the heart is.
Until next time…
April 25, 2017 at 4:34 pmAwesome!
April 25, 2017 at 7:58 pmThanks, Cheria, for checking out the post; I’m happy it resonated with you! 🙂