Success in 12 Months: The 10 Big Wins
Welcome back to my “Success in 12 Months” blog series! We’re moving into Week 2 of Month 10; the topic for this month is keeping score of the big–and the small–wins you’ve been achieving.
Did you start this program with an expectation of succeeding?
Many people don’t and by Week 3 they are out of the game.
Successful people know early on that they want to be successful. They focus sharply on what they want to the exclusion of irrelevant things.
They are so clear about their needs that they are able to recognize opportunities quickly and act on them.
Winners know what will make them uniquely happy. They can compromise on unimportant things, but also assert themselves when it matters — they know how to pick their battles. They can be generous when they choose to be, but not because others manipulate them into it. They understand their own failures and take responsibility for them. They know what they want more clearly and earlier than other people do.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful, starting from where you are now.
In fact, you started your journey 10 months and two weeks ago, so you should be well on your way to your own success!
This week’s assignment will exercise your memory. You’ll also feel very positive at the when you complete it.
Here it is:
List the 10 greatest wins/successes in your life and write in detail about what made them great.
Go do it now.
We’ll take this further next week.
As I always say, share your thoughts and your progress, leave a comment below or e-mail me and let me know what’s been happening for you. I’m investing in you and want to support you in your success!
Your partner in both the big and small wins,