Today’s Tarot: Practice Makes Perfect!

When our Tarot card for today, the 8 of Pentacles, puts itself on display, its message is that you have talents that can be showcased!
This is the card of skill and apprenticeship, and shares a close relationship with the 3 of Pentacles. Both are considered work-related cards.
With the 8 of Pentacles, though, the slant is on making money. What talent, skill, ability, or craft do you possess that you could make money doing?
Being a card of learning, our young apprentice is learning to hone his skill, and that is through repeated practice (the pentacles on the wall and next to his bench). With continued practice, he is perfecting his technique. He has an attention to detail and is diligent to “hammer out the kinks” until his service or product is just right.
Is there another way to view this card other than employment and money-making ventures?
For today, consider the resources in which you are learning a technique that will bring more value to your life (the 8 is the number of personal power and abundance, and Pentacles the suit of resources and value).
Are you actively applying the technique to your life?
The 8 of Pentacles is showing you that you have to continually apply this method in order to achieve the desired results (the 8 is also a number of success). This is not the card of the “one trick pony.” You may have to continually modify and “tweak” things to discover the way they will work best for you.
Also, what details might need your attention? Today is a good day to sit down and get those things hammered out.
You have the tools. Now it’s time to use them.