Today’s Tarot: Is Your Mind Open to a New Idea?

When our Tarot card for today, the Ace of Swords, is being handed to you, it signals that a triumph, a victory, and success is coming your way!
Aces herald the beginning of a new chapter, stage, or phase in your life. Seeds are being planted that have the potential to grow into something wonderful. For me, the Ace of Swords can suggest the beginning stages of a new lifestyle, and part of that could mean a job or career change.
This particular Ace often means a new thought, idea, or concept suddenly coming to you (the lightning around the sword can suggest like a “bolt” or a “flash”) that gives you clarity, that presents the answer or solution to a problem you’ve been experiencing.
Being a Metaphysician, I see this as an idea in Divine Mind—the One Mind. It is said that all ideas already exist in Divine Mind, and it’s just a matter of “pulling down” those ideas.
And since I mention problems, the suit of Swords is a suit that is known to represent challenges. If you look at the bottom of the card, the lightning is now part of a storm. The Ace of Swords, in this sense, could suggest a bumpy start on the way to things becoming clear, or leading to that triumph, victory, and success—so batten down those hatches!
Also, Swords can represent the way we communicate, and that words are double-edged: they have the power to both harm and heal.
How will you use your words today?
The Ace of Swords, being a card of Truth, asks us to stand in our truth—and to be truthful—without intentionally causing harm to others.
Because the Truth is that what we inflict on another will be inflicted on us.
Woody Allen says that “80% of success is just showing up.”
How will you show up today?