Tarot is a Mirror for Self-Reflection
Over at my Intuitive Insights page on Facebook, I began sharing some of my philosophy as a Tarot practitioner, which coincides with my personal beliefs.
I believe that every practitioner of Tarot, both professional and non-professional alike, connects and relates to Tarot in a similar way (with his or her personal beliefs), and their philosophies become an intrinsic part of their work.
Recently, I shared this quote about one of my beliefs about Tarot:
“Tarot is a mirror for our personal reflection, allowing us to look at ourselves.”
For me, Tarot is a tool for self-reflection, and, as such, gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves, just like looking in a mirror–through the situations we bring to the table.
We may want to explore our work, our relationships, or our direction in life through the cards. No matter the situation, Tarot offers us the ability to see ourselves in our circumstances. Tarot empowers us to see our level of contribution we bring to our situations and to seek ways to create positive changes that improve those situations.
In my work as an intuitive life coach, I use Tarot as a tool for self-awareness and self-improvement—a perfect reflection of who I am as a person.
And it is wonderful when I receive notes and cards from my clients, who appreciate the perspective I bring as a practitioner to the art of consulting the Tarot.
Case in point: I received this message of inspiration, confirmation, validation, and affirmation of my work with Tarot this morning, from a client who had a session with me just yesterday…
I just wanted to thank you again for your service. I feel so much more grounded in reality, and as such, more secure after your reading. Have a lot to think about, but I feel like I am coming from a place of truth and personal accountability rather than denial now.
Going to try to remember and set money and time aside to get a few more sessions in during the year because of your ability as a counselor.
The funny thing is that though Tarot is meant to be a view into the future, I gain more from it from you because you truly utilize it as a platform for healing and self-maintenance.
What I found especially gratifying about these words from this particular client is that she recognizes and appreciates the perspective I bring to Tarot—which is a reflection of who I am as a person.
I share this with you, not to brag or boast about my work. Rather it is to get you—whether you are a practitioner, or one who seeks out the services of a practitioner—to consider what your beliefs and philosophies about Tarot are—because those beliefs and philosophies are being brought to the table—along with the deck of cards.