Finding My Voice (with the Lenormand)
Recently, I attended a talk given to an audience of small business owners. The presenter’s topic was “finding your voice online.” She shared that, anyone doing business online, in any capacity, needed to discover his or her “voice,” meaning knowing what it is you want to say, who you want to say it to, and how you want to say it.
As a person who has a business where the most in-demand service I offer is card reading, I have often reflected on this idea of a distinct message. And, just as I evolve as an individual, so too does my business.
So, I thought I would see if my voice regarding the service I provide has also evolved over these last few years. And what better way to explore the voice of a card reading service professional than with a card reading?
As you may know, at the end of last year, I began working with a card system other than Tarot (which is what I’m well-known for). The system is named the Lenormand Oracle, and the cards appeared in a dream in which I was talking with a couple of women about Tarot, and the cards were mixed in with Tarot cards on the table.
And, just like people, I believe card decks also have their own distinct “voice,” their own way of speaking and communicating with their readers. I chose to consult the Lenormand on this idea of my “voice” as a card reader, because the Lenormand is said to be “verbal” in how it reads.
So, taking the Under the Roses Lenormand deck in hand, I asked the cards, “What can I know about finding my online voice as a card reader?”
I shuffled the deck, fanned out the cards facedown, and selected the following, making up what’s known as an Answer Spread or a Line of Five: Ring, Sun, Crossroads, Key, and Owls.
The center card in the line is known as the focus or hinge card; it represents the topic of the reading, or the nature of the question. Crossroads can mean choices, options, alternatives, and direction. So, my voice focuses on assisting people as they decide the better course/alternative—which is delivered through the act and service of card reading.
Also, Crossroads has a few paths on the card, which can represent multiple avenues, which would also reflect my other services as an Intuitive Guidance Counselor (Dream Decoding and coaching).
Lenormand, unlike Tarot, is a system that is best read in combinations of pairs and triplets, so the rest of the reading is done with that in mind.
The cards flanking each side of Crossroads, Sun + Key, pair up as more information about the topic. Sun is a card of success, confidence, positive energy, expansion, illumination, and enlightenment; it represents becoming conscious (aware). Key, as a card, says something is vital, certain, and important; it is a card of answers and solutions, of discovery, revelation, and breakthroughs. Key opens things up.
The pair reads, “The importance (Key) of being conscious (Sun).” So, my voice is for those who are aware of the importance of consciousness.
The outer cards, Ring + Owls, can sum up the reading. Ring is a card of commitments, contracts, agreements, engagement, and partnerships; it can also suggest cycles and something recurring. Owls can also represent partnerships (there is a couple on the card), but most commonly refers to communications and conversation—something verbal (spoken). This card can represent being nervous, frustrated, and excited too.
I read this pair as:
- talking (Owls) about relationships/commitments (Ring)
- frustration (Owls) about relationships/commitments (Ring)
- being nervous/anxious (Owls) about commitments (Ring)
- discussing (Owls) agreements (Ring)
A great deal of my work is about forming a relationship with my clients, especially when working with them in a coaching capacity, as we form a partnership (Ring) for a period of time, and discuss (Owls) the agreements made (Ring) about what we want to accomplish together.
With my work as a card reader, it is both cyclical and recurring (Ring), as my clients often return for consultations. And, here, more often than not, clients will discuss (Owls) their frustrations (Owls) about certain relationships—often the romantic variety (Ring)—in their lives.
The first pair, Ring + Sun, tells me what had led up to, or influenced, the topic (Crossroads). This pair can be read as:
- successful (Sun) commitments (Ring)
- confidence (Sun) in relationships (Ring)
- commitment (Ring) to success (Sun)
- commitment (Ring) to becoming aware/conscious (Sun)
Everything I blog about, or share in a video—be it a card reading, decoding a dream, or offering a coaching exercise–is rooted in assisting the client in his or her becoming more aware and conscious (Sun). All success comes as a result of the individual’s shift in consciousness (Sun) and his or her commitment (Ring) to that process.
The final pair, Key + Owls, can indicate a likely outcome. The pair can be read as:
- talking (Owls) about revelations/discoveries (Key)
- being open (Key) about frustrations (Owls)
- answers (Key) to frustrations/anxieties (Owls)
Pairing Sun + Crossroads, there’s options/alternatives (Crossroads) for success (Sun), and approaches (Crossroads) to become conscious (Sun).
For Crossroads + Key, there’s:
- the importance (Key) of choices/options/alternatives (Crossroads)
- revealing (Key) approaches/options/alternatives (Crossroads)
- discovering (Key) approaches/options/alternatives (Crossroads)
For Ring + Crossroads, there’s commitment (Ring) to choices, and choosing (Crossroads) to commit (Ring). The pair of Crossroads + Owls reads as talking (Owls) about choices/options/alternatives.
Now that all the possible permutations have been considered, I’ll look at the entire line, reading each card as one part of the entire message, keeping in mind some of what was gleaned from the pairings.
I read the line as, “Commit (Ring) to illuminating (Sun) choices/options/alternatives (Crossroads) through revealing (Key) conversations/communications (Owls).”
And there you have it: The directive given by the Lenormand to me about my voice online.
Hoping you are finding–and using–your voice,