Today’s Tarot: 10 of Cups – All’s Well That Ends Well
If your life were a story (and I have a little secret for you: it is!), the 10 of Cups would be that last sentence written in most fairy tales: “And they lived happily ever after.”
When the 10 of Cups (presented here, from the Robin Wood Tarot by Robin Wood) blesses you with its presence, your happy ending may be on the horizon, much like the rainbow present in the card.
The 10 of Cups centers on life’s emotional rewards. This is known as “the marriage and family card,” and, as such, is more about the people in our lives, those that we have chosen to form bonds and create relationships with. Some we are born into—but most we choose.
This card is also about community. Being a card that indicates spiritual growth, this could be a nod to your spiritual community, the people who have played either an active or passive role in your spiritual development.
If you are the esoteric or metaphysical type, this card is known as the “soul family” card. From this perspective, you understand that there is a bond—a sort of contract–you have agreed upon with your birth family to learn certain lessons designed for your own soul’s growth (the rainbow, in this case, symbolizes a spiritual covenant, much like the covenants God formed with individuals in the Christian Bible).
Looking at things in this way, what lessons have you learned from the members of your family of origin? My own growth came from looking at the challenging relationship with my mother from this perspective, and played a major part in my spiritual growth and direction.
And speaking of the rainbow, what a difference a day can make! As you may know by now, marriage equality is now legal throughout the United States (see how I got the news in this post–it was not in the conventional way). The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered) community’s chief symbol has been the rainbow, and in light of the passing of marriage equality (a happy ending for the community), I now see another aspect to this card.
So, for today, the 10 of Cups ask you to look beyond the material things you have—or think you need to have to make your life better. The 10 of Cups, instead, asks you to look at the ways life makes you feel satisfaction and a sense of peace.