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Today’s Tarot: The Beliefs We Hold

7 of Orbs, from the Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori & Alysa Bartha.
7 of Orbs, from the Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori & Alysa Bartha.

When the Tarot card for today, the 7 of Orbs (more commonly known as the suit of Swords), floats your way, catching your eye and getting your attention, its message is for you to consider the thoughts and beliefs you are holding on to. The hot-air balloon represents our ability to reach new heights, which first begins with our thinking.

We may be holding on to outdated ideas and thoughts that are weighing us down. Did these ideas belong to us in the first place–or did we pick them up from others along the way? We may need to let those go.

The floating orbs are the new ideas waiting for us once we are willing to let go of those that no longer serve and support us.

What ideas are you willing to let go of today?

Another aspect of this card is the observation of others, symbolized by the figures on the ground looking and pointing at our person in the balloon.

How are you allowing the observations of others to affect you?

Sometimes this “observation” is not in your best and highest good (judgment, criticism, even gossip); we allow people who are not that close to us to have a greater impact on us when they “point things out” to us. They may mean well, but they are too far removed from our experience and are basing it on their own perceptions and life experience.

On each side, we tend to react from what goes on in our heads–and not in the heads of others (which we will never know–unless you happen to be a mind reader).
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