Card of the Week: Moon
One possible message when the Moon card turns up is that it suggests having an innate intuitive/psychic ability that has been lying dormant and is now being awakened. This is the time to nurture that ability, to allow it to grow and develop.
You’re encouraged to be open and receptive to your intuitive impressions. How does your intuition “speak” to you? How does it get your attention? Do you even know? If not, this is the time to discover that – to recognize that.
When Moon turns up, let your intuition (full moon) light the way – it’s possible you may receive some form of intuitive guidance that illuminates/clarifies a particular situation/experience. Honor that guidance.
Another possibility with Moon is that it sends the message that recognition may be the highlight of your day.
And that’s because in older divinatory systems, the moon is a symbol of career and vocation, and with it, being recognized and having a reputation for that work. If this aspect of Moon resonates with you, it can suggest achieving some honor or receiving some form of reward within the coming month, as the moon can suggest a full lunar cycle, which is a month in time.
Another possible message of this card has to do with your sense of emotional satisfaction. And with that in mind, you might find yourself wanting – or needing – to “detox” from the people, places, and situations that you’re feeling are becoming an unhealthy drain on you.
If you find this aspect of Moon resonates with you, then consider this a time of releasing that will help to improve your overall well-being.
Deck: Gypsy Witch Oracle by James Himm Mitchell.