In my life and work as a Dream Decoder, I receive many requests to crack open a dream and reveal its meaning to the dreamer. And while I find every dream that comes across my desk fascinating in some way,…
[caption id="attachment_3288" align="alignright" width="217"] I often get asked how I got into my work with Tarot. It was asked again in a recent interview.[/caption] A colleague recently interviewed me for her boot camp students, who are working on developing their…
Welcome to the last week of Month 5 in our “Success in 12 Months” series! Okay--you knew this was coming. It's time. Time to start to work on your fears. By the end of this week you should have overcome…
[caption id="attachment_410" align="alignleft" width="227"] While going through a stack of dream journals, I found an interesting dream from 2004 I had not analyzed.[/caption] In this post, I want to share a dream I came across in my journals from 2004.…
Welcome to the third week of Month 5 in the “Success in 12 Months” blog series! Last week, your exercise was to document how three big fears could stop you from reaching your goals. Have you been strategizing how to…
[caption id="attachment_3129" align="alignright" width="295"] My Reiki buddy, Cassy Halbrooks, who recently passed away from cancer. But not before living her dream of going to Paris.[/caption] Earlier this week, I was notified of a friend’s passing. Cassy was living with cancer…
I love working with dreams, as they are designed to tell us about situations in our lives, the challenges within those situations, and the best ways to resolve those challenges. This is the message behind the dream featured in today's…
There is no doubt that stress is a huge issue for thousands of people today. In fact stress is often referred to as the silent killer. It can creep up on you and take hold of your life in devastating…
Welcome back to your “Success in 12 Months” blog series! We’re moving forward together into this second week of Month 5, and I’m discussing everybody’s favorite topic, the topic of fear--more importantly, facing fear. So how was the fear exercise…
[caption id="attachment_3057" align="alignright" width="192"] The Star, from the Sirian Starseed Tarot.[/caption] When our Tarot card for today, the Star, twinkles your way, its message is that this is the day to count your lucky stars! Hope is being restored. Wishes…