Coaching is a process that allows you to live the life of your dreams. But did you know you have another resource that is assisting you in the same way, each and every night?

This assistance comes in the form of the dreams you have each night as you sleep. Dreams help you solve problems with creative solutions and can touch all aspects of your life: career, relationships, health, spirituality, and life purpose and direction.
The challenge comes in understanding your dream language, for no two dreamers dreams alike; every dream is unique to the “author” of the dream.
LifePlan is excited to offer a dream coaching program to help you understand your dream language, and comprehend the messages of your dreams.
The process is twofold: first, we will work together and help you
understand the symbols in your dreams and what they mean specifically to
you. This is the interpretation part of the program. The interpretation is where most dreamers stop, though. The coaching part of the session picks up where the interpretation part leaves off. We will work together to practically apply the dream to your waking life, step-by-step. Let your dreams help you live the life you are meant to be living!
During your Dream Decoder Coaching Session, we will:
- Decipher your particular dream language using the symbols in your dream
- Uncover the hidden challenges the dream wants you to overcome
- Reveal the solutions the dreams wants you to put into action now
- Create a plan of action to apply the interpretation of the dream into your waking life

After this one-hour session, you’ll walk away with fresh insights about
your life and the next steps you need to take to create the life your
dreams are wanting for you!
Let me assist your dreams by scheduling a dream coaching session for
yourself, or if you are part of a group you think would benefit from
working with their dreams, I also offer dream group coaching!
Here’s what previous clients have said about their Dream Decoder Coaching sessions:

The resources that you call upon are vast, and your intuitions are dead-on! I will spend more time looking over your interpretations, to give myself time to absorb the various meanings. Thank you, James, for your interpretations and intuitions, and I also thank your spiritual network of guides and angels for allowing the messages to flow through you.
James, I knew there was such a deep meaning to this dream. Thank you for your interpretation, and for being so in-depth!!!
James, thank you! Not even my closest friends have come close to the sort of understanding of me that you have...and all from working with one of my dreams! It's almost like that understanding was an oasis to offer me relief from the radiation of frustration I have been experiencing in life. Thank you again!
Schedule your session today!
Dream Decoder Coaching Session
One hour session $100 investment
Book your session with the online scheduler, call (843) 708-2199 to schedule by phone, or e-mail me at
Click on the button below to pay for your session.