In the image of the 4 of Hearts, a couple shares an intimate moment. With that, one of the messages of this card is about forming more intimate connections. And while the 4 of Hearts – known as…
[caption id="attachment_6378" align="alignright" width="169"] 2 of Cups, from the Original Rider Waite Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite & Pamela Colman Smith.[/caption] When the 2 of Cups is given to you, today may be a day in which you're being encouraged…
Welcome back to another edition of Dream Decoding, my column dedicated to decoding your dreams! Today’s dream entry comes from a regular reader of the column. This is how our dreamer sets up sharing her dream: James, I’m getting ready…
[caption id="attachment_4990" align="alignright" width="204"] The 2 of Cups (Love), from the Dore Great Bible Tarot.Art is by the legendary Gustav Dore.[/caption] When our Tarot card for today, the 2 of Cups (also known as "Love"), is offered to you, its…