When I give talks or teach workshops on working with cards, I like to take the participants through some exercises, as ways to create experiences that could help them when they work with the cards after they leave, in their…
Since my last installment of this column, I’ve been acquiring a few more decks of playing cards, so I’m going to continue breaking them in by working with them to answer questions from the mailbag. And, since I referenced the…
Now that I’ve incorporated Angel card readings into my business, I began reflecting on the idea of a central “message” of this particular work, and how to communicate that message to prospective clients. For me, one of the best ways…
In my previous post, I consulted the Lenormand for a viewer and subscriber, Eugene, who submitted a question about re-engaging with his e-mail list, because he hadn’t done so for a long period of time. What I’m going to do…
Recently, I attended a talk given to an audience of small business owners. The presenter’s topic was “finding your voice online.” She shared that, anyone doing business online, in any capacity, needed to discover his or her “voice,” meaning knowing…
If you’ve been following my personal blog these days, you’ve noticed I’ve been sharing my experiences reading with a new (well, new to me, that is) deck of cards: the Lenormand Oracle. And, as a result—just like with my posts…
Hello and welcome to the latest entry of Dream Decoding, my column dedicated to decoding your dreams! [caption id="attachment_5999" align="alignright" width="300"] Two cards from my weekly Tarot forecast--The High Priestess and the 2 of Cups--played a part in this Dream…