Thirty-Three Six Wellness is LifePlan’s wellness coaching and consulting service offering. Wellness, by the Thirty-Three Six definition, is the integration of body, mind, and spirit–the appreciation that everything you do, think, feel, experience, and believe has an impact on your state of health.
Wellness is a process, one that develops an awareness that health and happiness are possible in each moment, in the here and now.
Wellness is held in the same regard as the other forms of coaching and consultancy offered here at LifePlan: It is a way of life –a lifestyle you design to achieve your highest potential for well-being.
My Path to Wellness Coaching and Consulting
While I have been blessed with good health overall, I have had my share of challenges: As a baby, I was born three months premature, and the doctors thought I would not survive; as a child, I was prone to life-threatening nosebleeds, having to be rushed to the hospital on numerous occasions; as a young adult, I was prone to suicidal tendencies; and when I was 27, I had an experience of chicken pox, that, once again could have been life-threatening.
My greatest challenge came ten years after my experience with chicken pox. In 2004, at age 37, I had experienced excruciating headaches and migraines for a week straight. On the seventh day, I told a colleague at my job at the time, “I’ve had these headaches for a week straight, and if the pain continues, I’m going to have to see a neurologist.”
The very next morning, I awoke having the experience of the onset of what I thought was a stroke: I gazed into the bathroom mirror to witness the right side of my face drooping right before my eyes. Needless to say, I panicked, but managed to drive myself to the emergency room. I was rushed in to see the doctor on staff, who gave me the diagnosis: I was experiencing what is known as Bell’s Palsy, a condition that paralyzes the nerves on one side of the face, much like when experiencing a stroke.
I had a CAT scan done, to rule out the possibility of a brain tumor, and the doctor concluded I had a viral infection, prescribing medications I had to take daily, for a week. As he was telling me this, I felt, on some level, that this explanation was not true for me, that this was not the result of a viral infection. Oh–and I was instructed that I was to see a neurologist within 48 hours. The power of the spoken word….

When I saw the neurologist, he basically told me to wait it out for three weeks, that the Bell’s Palsy would clear up on its own.
It did not.
The neurologist was surprised, when I came back three weeks later and nothing had changed. He told me to wait some more, and come back.
Again–no change.
When I returned, he performed an electric shock treatment to see if the nerves had been severely damaged. They had not, and he was baffled. He scheduled an MRI to rule out a brain tumor, which came back clear.
I had blood work done. I was told that the results showed I was “borderline” for Lyme’s Disease. I thought, “How can I be ‘borderline?’ Either I have it or I don’t.” Another round of blood work was done, and the results were negative for Lyme’s. No one could not only tell me what was the cause of my condition, but why I was not recovering.
I then had a conversation with a friend who suggested acupuncture, and recommended someone for me to see. When the doctor, a woman licensed in China, first saw me and asked how long I was living with Bell’s Palsy, said, “I wish you had come to see me six months ago.” But I had no idea about acupuncture, never mind how it could help me. And it did help me; I saw a dramatic recovery taking place with this Eastern alternative than I had not experienced going the route of traditional Western medicine.
That experience set me on the path of exploring alternative and complementary therapies. One that I was drawn to was the energy medicine of Reiki, which is a Japanese hands-on healing modality. Reiki is gentle, non-invasive, and goes to the source of dis-ease. Its chief benefits are deep relaxation, stress reduction, and, in some cases, relief from physical discomfort. Best of all, Reiki works with all forms of Western medicine, aiding in the healing process. In my experience receiving Reiki, and later being trained as a practitioner, I learned a truth about Eastern healing modalities: Most are connected to a spiritual path and adopting a new way of living life.
As I went on to earn my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychology, I specialized in Health & Wellness. I wanted my work in this area to focus not on diet, nutrition, and fitness, as I felt there were enough people in the world approaching wellness from that perspective; I wanted to bring the alternative and the complementary, the “East meets West” experience I had with Bell’s Palsy and Reiki, to my work. I realized that the focus of my work would be the mind-body-spirit connection, or spiritual wellness.
The experience of graduate school and the demands of working 70+ hours took its toll, though: I experienced a severe case of job burnout. I didn’t see it at the time, but it was a blessing in disguise: It was a wake-up call from the Universe, much like the Bell’s Palsy experience. Both forced me to make some changes in my life and implement some strategies for my own self-care. And I wrote my own prescription: I quit that demanding job, taking the time to recover from the burn-out and start LifePlan. The experience was the impetus I needed to make a career change–one that I might not have made otherwise.
The Thirty-Three Six Wellness Story
You may be asking, “What’s with the name?”
Great question!
As you might know, my work as an Intutive Workstyle Coach involves working with the numbers in a client’s date of birth, which gives me some insight into possible jobs and careers best suited for the individual.
My own career code is 33/6. The emphasis of the 33 is on healing (you can read more about this here), and the 6 is the path of self-responsibility in that healing process.
My emphasis on coaching is empowering the people I work with to take responsibility and create the lives they want to be living–and that includes their personal wellness. Wellness encompasses all areas of our lives: the physical, the emotional, the intellectual, the social, the financial, the environmental, and the spiritual.
With Thirty-Three Six Wellness, I focus on these experiences:
- Headaches and migraines
- Bell’s Palsy
- Job and career burnout
- Stress management
And being a mind-body-spirit energy medicine practitioner, I use the tools of Tarot, dreams, and Reiki in my coaching/consulting sessions, depending on the needs of my clients.
During your initial Thirty-Three Six Wellness Session, we will:
- Clarify your expectations and objectives, using the Wellness Intro-Pack you receive prior to your session
- Co-create your Personal Wellness Plan (PWP), in which we clarify the interventions (strategies) that will make up your program
- Mutually agree on the frequency and number of sessions (how many times and how often we will meet with one another)
- Discuss your goals and tasks
Follow-up sessions will consist of a check-in at the beginning, time for coaching, and wrapping up by completing your Action Plan.
Rates for Thirty-Three Six Wellness Coaching can be found on the Coaching Packages page.
If you are ready to create your own personal wellness plan and achieve optimal well-being, contact me today!